
I Love Fleur de lis ~ Thanks Rene Fletcher & Fleurdelirious! 2-24-08

Rene Fletcher, CEO and President of Fleurdelisfashions.com is running quite the online sale!!!

Her passion for New Orleans, the fleur de lis AND fashion has collimated into quite the spectacular vehicle for entrepreneurship, promoting great products, and fun.

I was able to get Rene to stop in for a few to share this wonderful concept of taking what you love and turning it into a prosperous tool from which you can make your living, share your vision and enjoyment for life, all while inspiring someone else's next idea!

Rene, tell us about the blog!
The blog started off as a way to highlight our products to a broader audience than just our site. As we expanded, we have come to include stories about New Orleans, and anything having to do with the fleur de lis symbol. We have gotten some great feedback from our readers and we enjoy the feel of the blog. The combination of promoting our site and writing great articles about the fleur de lis are a fun way to stay in touch with our readers.

Is your store exclusively on line?
Yes, right now we are an online store only. One day we hope to open several boutiques where our customers can come shopping.

As women entrepreneurs, what advise can you give for an aspiring entrepreneur?
The best advice I can give is: Don't be afraid to try. Start off small, learn as much as you can. The more things you can do yourself the more money you can save. Give yourself at least two years to figure out your successes. The first year is strictly learning what works and what doesn't. The second year is when you know whether or not you can make money at it. The last piece of advice I can offer is: Do something you love. You have to love what you do to spend the amount of time it will take to run a successful business. Also, no one wants to work for an owner who is not passionate about what she does.

Can you tell us how you became "Fleurdelirious"?
We started out collecting a few pieces of jewelry to sell to our friends as the symbol was so popular in New Orleans. After the storm, it's popularity was overwhelming to our area. We were crazy about it before Katrina, but truly obsessed after!

Is it out of pure love for NOLA?
Since our love for our city was enriched after Katrina, we wanted to find a way for residents who were spread about the country to be able to connect to New Orleans. That's when we opened Fleur De Lis Fashions.Com. We wanted to offer affordable items so that even if all someone could spend was $9.99 we were able to offer something for them. Every product in our store is under $50.00 for this reason. We want people to be able to find beautiful fleur-de-lis items that are high quality at great prices.

Are you smitten with the symbol itself?

The historical information on the website is fascinating? Of course, loving the symbol myself, I was aware of the background, but if there something we could share with the audience about the Fleur de lis as it is seen today, what would it be?
This symbol has hit the fashion scene in a big way! If you pay attention to different television shows and celebrities you will see it everywhere. Just the other night on American Idol, host Ryan Seacrest had on a fleur-de-lis T-shirt. While in New Orleans we feel like we own the symbol, we don't. It's popular all across the world now.

Are you familiar with the artists? Are they from NOLA?
Most of the manufacturers of the products we sell are not from NOLA, but have family or friends here. They too understand the importance of keeping prices affordable.

What are some of the favorite items?
Some of my favorite items include our Fleur De Lis Crystal Gemstone Brooch, which is on sale right now for $19.99.

This pin is of such high quality for the price you can't beat it. It truly exudes class and style with royal meaning. Another favorite of mine is any of our fleur de lis handbags.

They are so unique! Customers always tell us how they get stopped on the street and asked about them. It's not something you will see everyone have.

Best sellers?
Some of our best sellers include our Black Fleur De Lis Watch.

This watch sells for $29.99. It's so much fun because it matches easily to so many of our jewelry items. Another best seller is our Fleur De Lis Silver Rhinestone Shirt. This attractive shirt has been seen on celebrities like Jessica Simpson and Eva Longaria. It's hip and fun. The shirt sells for only $28.99. We can hardly keep it in stock!

WOW, Rene! Thanks for taking time to share this wonderful online shopping with us!
Keep us posted on sales and new arrivals! Or guys and gals, feel free to check out Rene at the following sites!

Rene Fletcher
THE STORE ** www.fleurdelisfashions.com"Style & Elegance at Affordable Prices"

THE BLOG ** www.fleurdelirious.blogspot.com


Friends On Friday Presents Dan Duster! 2/8/08

"Highlight the Positive, Learn from the Negative, and keep Moving Forward"

Dan Duster is the magnetic motivator who has inspired many to achieve their dreams.
I have heard him speak and he engages while giving power to the commoner. I enjoy speakers who make you feel comfortable while giving you invaluable tips to fortify your life. I had a chance to pin Dan down. He is always on the go! But thankfully, he had a few moments to shed some light on our quest to mobilize and enhance ourselves all while making the best of this thing called life!

You worked in the corporate world for quite some time, and then left. You had a dream and a vision. How have you nurtured this into 3D Development Group?

I've been very successful in sales with top companies such as IBM, Coca-Cola, Abbott Diagnostics.  Having gone through their training programs, I always liked training, motivational speaking and helping people achieve their goals.  I had done youth motivation since around 1990 when I worked with IBM and always thought about trying to somehow do it professionally.  After a long career in sales, in 2000, I got a contract at Verizon in Virginia as sales coach and loved it!  There, I created my own workshops for the service reps to help them improve their sales.  Within a year, I helped their office move from 4th in their district to number 1.  That gave me the confidence to know that I could be effective.  So, I moved back to Chicago in 2001 and started 3D Development Group.

In my keynote speech on Personal Achievement, I call myself Dan Duster “the Barrier Buster” – Obliterating Obstacles on your Path to Prosperity.  I help people set and embrace their goals, then I help them realize they have the motivation, creativity and resources to achieve any those goals.

What do you share with people in order to get them to realize their own visions?

The first thing that I have people do is create their visions.  I ask them to imagine where they would like to be in say, 5 years (whatever timeframe they are comfortable with).  If you are in your ideal place, there are no barriers, no distractions; you are exactly where you want to be, doing what you want to do...what is that?  I'll have them describe it to me in detail and make them experience that moment.  They can go to my website http://www.danduster.net to get a free copy of "How to Achieve the Success that you Deserve" or call me at 773-456-1064 and I'll send them one.

You are related to Ida B. Wells, who was an extraordinary activist, feminist, and one of the founders of the NAACP. How has this impacted your life?

The first thing that comes to mind is COURAGE.  She was a courageous person to do everything that she did and stand up in the face of adversity and literally life threatening dangers.   She was constantly fighting for justice and equality, and she fought with everyone.  Blacks thought she was too aggressive, white women felt she was too demanding and outspoken (with regards to the women's suffrage movement) and men in general thought she overstepped her bounds as a woman.  So, when I consider all that she went through, the challenges that I face today seem pretty small.

She directly instilled the value for education in our family.  3 out of 4 of her children graduated from college; my grandmother’s children (my father and his sister and brothers) all graduated college and have advanced degrees; all of their children attended college and about half of us have advanced degrees.  We grew up being asked: “What are you going to do after college?”

She also instilled the values of family, integrity and standing up for justice.  Most of my relatives have been involved in some type of organization or effort to enhance the community.

I’ve delivered keynote speeches across the nation, talking about her struggles and triumphs in the late 1800’s to motivate audiences to overcome the obstacles we face today and Stand Up against injustices in the workplace, our schools and our communities.  The themes of the speeches are Be WELL and Stand UP!

I talk about her principles of leadership;

Be W.E.L.L.;  

Be Wise with your Choices,                                          

Be Excellent with your Actions

Live with Integrity

Lead with Courage

Stand UP!:

Don’t be a “Guilty Bystander”; Do something to stomp out injustice whenever you see it!

What do you say to the upcoming generation of colored young men about fortitude and civic responsibility?

Wow, that's a great question!  Fortitude is crucial; that's what I talk about in my Be WELL speech.  I let them know that great leaders from the past often had to take a position that wasn't popular and be able to deal with folks calling them crazy, threatening them and/or abandoning them.  That's when a person's true character shows; not in times of comfort and agreement, but in times of struggle and adversity.

Young men have several civic responsibilities.  They must get an education so they can have options in the future and be able to be the leader in their families.  They must contribute to their communities and their families; They must be willing to uplift, protect and respect the women in their communities; it's up to them to make this world a better place.  They must continue the pursuit for justice and equality that our forefathers fought so hard to achieve.  They are literally responsible for the future of our country; they must accept that and take action!

You have also spear-headed another venture, tell us about it?

I'm starting a speaker’s bureau / incubator Local Motivators for people interested in becoming motivational speakers and for current speakers who charge less than $5,000.  I've found that there are a number of people that would like to be motivational speakers that need help cultivating their story and then marketing themselves to organizations.  There are a number of organizations that want local talent to speak to their groups at a reasonable rate.  I'm servicing that need.


Thanks Dan!!! We'll be checking in with Dan from time to time getting updates, seminar information and tips on bettering our lives!

Dan Duster
President - 3D Development Group
9046 S. Blackstone Ave
Chicago, IL 60619


Friends On Friday Presents ~ UPTOWN LIZ 2/01/08

Ramona, I admire your courage and your strength. Thank you so much for sharing your story. What is your most vivid adult image or memory of Liz?

I have so many, but my vivid memories are of her incredible sense of humor and her cackle/snorting laugh.

You mentioned in an article that you two had plans to be in business together, can you tell us about your dreams and aspirations as a team?

This didn’t go too far. It is something she had been thinking about and mentioned to me a few times. The one time she did, really talked more in depth, she was already sick. Because of her illness, we were never able to plan or put anything into motion.

As little girls, what were you two like? Did you dress-up? What were your interests? Did you fight? Were you each other’s biggest fans?

We were 2.5 years apart and shared a room our whole lives, so there was a lot of sibling bickering. She used to steal my clothes, provoke me, etc. Pretty normal sister stuff. We used to play house, school and store when we were little. We didn’t have a lot of money growing up, so we really used our imagination. As we got older, yes, we were each other’s biggest fans. I miss that.

What made you two giggle?

Everything! My family has a very good sense of humor, so we laughed a lot. We definitely got a lot of mileage imitating/teasing my mother. Ha!

I read and saw your piece on DarynKagan.com. It was great. Like Ms. Kagan, I was so moved because of my "sissy" and the intricacies of sibling relations. She is my biggest fan, my greatest confidant and also my hugest sparing partner. But in the end, we are more alike than we are different. There is more joy than there is pain, and I know that if either of us ever leaves the planet, the other will still be there to root the other on or challenge in the way that encourages just the right growth. Please share a bit about losing Liz to breast cancer.

There is really no way to answer this that would do it justice. Unless you’ve experience watching someone you love suffer and tragically die so young, I can’t put it into words. Her death has permanently changed me and effects every single thing I do. Her absence leaves a gaping hole in my heart that no one can repair – not the love from my amazing husband, family or friends. Someone that lost someone they loved once said, “Some things are not curable.” I couldn’t agree more.

Tell us about UptownLiz.com.

Uptown Liz was created with everything Liz loved in mind. I used her favorite colors in the design (lavender and pink, which are also the colors for cancer and breast cancer awareness), and gave it a very trendy, sophisticated and upscale feel. She was a major fashionista, so I know she would love so many things on the website. I know that most people wish they could do more for the less fortunate, but they are just too overwhelmed with their own lives. So I wanted to create a way that people could give back in an easier way, and know where the money was going. What makes Uptown Liz unique is that you can shop by charitable cause or by product category. Every item shows you how much is going to charity and has a link to that organization’s web page. Through Uptown Liz, I hope to continue the movement of retail philanthropy and through Liz’s legacy I hope to bring awareness to misdiagnosis and cancer in young people.

You are up to 500 participating companies, right? What are your goals for UptownLiz.com in 2008?

Uptown Liz has over 500 products from  many wonderful companies. My goals for 2008 is to get more media attention and bring Liz’s story and legacy to a bigger platform.

What can we do to help?

Tell everyone you know about Uptown Liz. People can spread the word through blogs, MySpace and other social networking sites. And if anyone has any great media contacts, let them know as well.

This legacy is so special, has it turned out the way you intended?

Yes it has. But, of course, I’m very type-A and an overachiever, so I have imagined much bigger things and hope to accomplish them soon.

Ramona, your courage and grace is very much appreciated. Thank you for sharing your sister and your story ~

Liz Overturf ~ July 17, 1977 ~ February 1, 2006 ~