
For The Love Of Pastor Jonah 4-12-08

I am so full of love that often I feel as if I will just burst at the seems. Seriously, my mind flitters at all times on who I can help, what I can do, am I loving my son too much, my dog, my passions! LOVE can be detrimental to your health, let me tell ya!

Love can also keep this twisted world turning. With every act of visciousness there can be a turnbine of love that can spew that evilness away and touch someone's life and change the tone of a day.

I am a floater. I fluctuate across the internet, picking up information, meeting people and having my life touched in ways I could never fathom. On one of my excursions I met this man.

This man is Pastor Jonah of Kericho,Kenya.

As America has been suffering quite a bit lately, been consumed with our debt, tragedies and morose helplessness ~ just imagine the rest of the world. We must pick up our boot straps and hustle again so we can help each other and help ourselves!

Pastor Jonah has graciously taken time out from his mission to share with us something that is far greater than ourselves ~ LOVE!

In our exchange, I have learned the true testiment of our lives ~ Keep Loving and do all you can to make a difference.

Thank you Pastor Jonah!How did this come about for you?
How i came to do this:
I grew up in a very poor background. i was educated thru' help from other people,
and even sometimes strangers, this somehow made me to think of a small way i can help the less fortunate in the society as well.

Tell us about the people of Kericho. What do you see in their future? What are their needs and desires? Of Ogembo? What is the population there? With all of the unrest, how many orphans are in dire need at this moment?
The people in Kericho, kenya
The place of my focus now is in kericho, the town has a rich soil and very good for agriculture. It's potential is still yet to be seen, since Loans that were once advance to farmers has dwidle, we are optistimic though that farmers can be help in someway to start out with their farm work through somekind of soft loans.
The people are optimistic and they have a rich work ethic in themselves, they want to make it in life.
The best hope is to cultivate a culture of Education, Farming and the rest will be put to a rest...and poverty will become a gone issue.

Post election violence
With the results of the flawed election, violence erupted, and this made so many people loose their jobs...., houses, and even land.
over 20,000 people were left homeless in my city ....we are still takin care of them as for now. The population of kericho is about 400,000. No census has been taken more recently..

With the elections going on here in America, the focus has been turned away from what we need to be concentrating on , such as the crisis of our neighbors. If you had one prayer for our world, for Kenya, and for children, what would it be?
My greatest prayer is
Let's love one another....in this world so we can live together. with my travels in russia, asia and other parts of africa, we seem to cry for one thing, LOVE, and acceptances. Let's lift our neighbours hand, and let them work again.
about american politics, they are in the papers often here too, since one of the runners for the presidency....we are told, his father was from here ......actually about 60 miles from kericho.

On one of your posts, dated March 11, 2008, you spoke of "Simba" the dog who had been brutally injured defending his family. How is Simba? How many other animals are being victimized along with their families?

simba is a great dog,
he is now getting better, and we do hope that with the help of medics, he will be ok. the cut is slowly getting better and better. We are happy for this development.
we have heard of displaced cats, dogs, and even cows who were not milked for days.
it is still a hard experience.

How is the school drive going? What will the children be learning?
school drive,
the kids will be learning how to draw and color etc, it is kind of making the kids busy at the same time discover their talents.

Please expound a bit about the religious make-up and how Christianity's significance is parlayed. Are children encouraged to be Christian or is it freedom to worship as you desire? What is the designated religion of the area, if any?
Religious parity is biased towards christianity. Missionaries from the Christian side were among the first one to come over to this part of the world. about 80% profess to be christian, though alittle below 40% practice, Muslims and Budhism and others are also here.

Tell us about Ms. Penny. She seems so wise and spirited. What are her desires for the mission?
Ms penny,
she has been instrumental in setting up the site, and visited africa as well, though shortly.

How do you see the United States helping Africa? Is it better to work from within accomplishing groundwork through missions or urging our legislators and government to act in a specific way or both!
About the USA,
it seems that country has helped the world so much. we forever remain greatful to their great help. Am not an expert in anyway to give directions on how to help, we just pray that all will be well with the politicians and they continue to help us in the best way they can see fit.
thanks a lot.
thanks for the questions,
i tried to answer them ...as far as i can english is my third language,

This has made my month! Now go out there and love someone!
I would love to hear about it too, so let me know!!!!

You may contact Pastor Jonah in Kenya by email missions120{at}gmail{dot}com for more information about urgent or ongoing needs of the missions. Pastor Jonah would also love to hear your comments and suggestions for the blog, receive your prayer requests or hear your ideas as to how you might partner with the Missions of Hope.