
Dr. Sander Marcus In The House! 10-27-09

photo courtesy of Dr. Sander Marcus' collection

What a special treat to have a few words of encouragement and focus as many of us are seeking employment and making new life changes.

Dr. Sander Marcus was kind enough to share his background and wisdom. I know we will benefit from his words!


What were your professional intentions upon enrolling in a Psych program?

Actually, I'm an example of how most people "choose" their career - they just seem to "fall into" a career, based on chance opportunities usually. I know that happened to me. Just a few months before I graduated college (I was a chemistry major), I just happened to see a movie in which one of the characters was a therapist, and the part was written in a very positive manner (unlike how most people in my field are portrayed in film). I walked out of that movie theater knowing what I want to do. I opted for psychology because I didn't want 4 years of medical school. So I got a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and here I am, 40 years later.

What avenues did you cross on your path? How did it help you evolve into this Job Market guru?

I'm not sure I'd refer to myself as a "guru," but over 30 years ago I was hired by IIT to be the University's Counseling Center Director, which I did for 9 years. One of my responsibilities was career and job search counseling, and I've been doing it ever since - first at IIT, then in private practice, and now back in the fold on the staff of IIT's Center for Research & Service (a division of IIT's Institute of Psychology).

Your "Changing Career" advise shares that we must all consider strategy. What are some 'helpful planning' tips?

For career planning, there are many things to consider in making a decision. The most important thing is to gain a perspective on one's personal characteristics, motivation, values, goals, aptitudes and abilities, interest patterns, and knowledge of careers and the job market. Once you have a line on these factors, and then take a step back and see where the important criteria are in your individual situation, then you can make an informed career choice.

I know that's a little general, but there is no such thing as a standard human being, and everyone's situation is different.

What are some productive ways to narrow ideas and gather pertinent information to bring clarity to a successful job search?

I think that you have to get clarity about the kind of job title you are looking for, how you see your "role" (i.e., a helping role? a sales role? a managerial role? a technical role? etc.), not only what company but what industry (or industries) you are interested in and where they are going, your pattern of skills and knowledge, and similar factors.

Obviously you enjoy people and helping them overcome challenges, tell us about Illinois Institute of Technology, what you've contributed there, and how we can engage with you directly.

Thanks for the plug. I am the Practice Leader for Career and Educational Assessments Services for the IIT Center for Research & Service, which is a fee-for-service to the outside community. We do not actually work with IIT students (except for a few special projects). The services my unit provides include comprehensive career counseling and testing, job search coaching and
resume writing, achievement motivation counseling and evaluations. Our Center works with companies (surveys, special research, 360 evaluations, consultation, training, pre-employment testing, and related services).

My books are:

"The Psychology of Underachievement: Differential Diagnosis and Differential Treatment," by Drs. Harvey Mandel and Sander Marcus, 1988, Wiley & Sons, New York.

"Could Do Better: Why Children Underachieve And What To Do About It" (a book for parents of underachievers), by Drs. Harvey Mandel and Sander Marcus (with Loral Dean), 1995, Wiley & Sons, New York.

I have also written a 22-page pamphlet (71 Keys to Getting Better Grades Easier and In Less Time), which is published by our Center and is available for $8(including postage). This is appropriate for high school and college age students. I am also the Testing Supervisor for a project that the Center and the Clinical Psychology program have with the Chicago Public Schools(CPS).

We provide all of the admissions testing for children (ages pre-kindergarten through grade 3, and grades 6 and 7) applying to the CPS gifted programs. This our 4th year with this project, in which we test over 5,000 children within a 4-month period (from the beginning of November to the end of February). Put all of these activities together, and I'd say that I am busy. In addition, I am the President of the Rotary Club of Chicago Near South, writer, speaker, and an amateur violinist. I can be contacted at my IIT office 312-567-3358 in Chicago or by email marcus (at) iit (dot) edu.



Dr. Marcus (Sandy) THANKS!!!! (from the House ~ )