
Meet Anna Soo Wildermuth! 11-1-09

two pictures of Anna Oct. 29, 2009 at Barnes & Noble in DesMoines, Iowa. 

Anna with Douglas Burns a reporter Daily Times Herald

Meet Anna Soo Wildermuth author, and personal image consultant!

Anna, you are so sleek and stylish. Tell us about how you came into your own sense of style.

Thank you for the compliments. It is combination of being clear what you like to wear, colors, fit and style. It started very young being conscious of it was important for me to like what I wear and have a style, being sensitive to my environment and the image I wanted to project. I believe everyone goes through style changes and for me it is a revisit every 5 years. I had role models, my dad who had a great sense of style, Doris Day was always a role model – loved to watch her movies and all the wonderful outfits and jewelry was always amazing.

When did it click for you that we all have an attribute that we need to behold?

It began at a very early age and I continue to be sensitive of what works for me.
Love what you wear, always feel attractive, buy the best you can afford, know what colors work best for you and always fit. Your tailor is your next best friend.

In your book "Change One Thing: Discover What's Holding You Back and Fix It" (with Jodie Gould) you speak about some of your early challenges. I was very touched and surprised by some of them. Which one of your earliest challenges impacted you most?

My first outfit I loved and wore it forever before my god mother told me gently you don’t’ mix big flowers with plaid. I was so embarrassed but never forgot it. So sometimes your biggest embarrassments are the best lesson’s learned. Now it is done all the time.

I enjoyed reading because your true self comes through loud and clear. The humor is great. How did you make the decision to share yourself with the world?

I love helping people I want them to know we all are more alike than different. What the difference is what we do with our experiences.

Seeing you work your magic in person was a gift. Precision and class. How can our readers catch you in action?

Most of my work is company sponsored but I am planning on putting together a series of free webinars based on the book beginning in January. Please sign up for my free monthly tips which will announce when they will begin. Also, I hope to have a book signing in January at a Barnes and Noble or Borders.

What, do you think are the most important factors when searching for that new job or your niche in life?

Knowing what you are good at and have a passion for. It takes patience and perseverance. Please visit my blog PersonalImagesInc.Com/Blog which comes out on Friday’s and Monday’s and my monthly tips. The website is here : PersonalImages.Com 
Also I will be starting a Change One Thing FaceBook Fan Page starting November 15th.


Anna, I can't wait for all of the new information ~ Thank You so much!


Dr. Sander Marcus In The House! 10-27-09

photo courtesy of Dr. Sander Marcus' collection

What a special treat to have a few words of encouragement and focus as many of us are seeking employment and making new life changes.

Dr. Sander Marcus was kind enough to share his background and wisdom. I know we will benefit from his words!


What were your professional intentions upon enrolling in a Psych program?

Actually, I'm an example of how most people "choose" their career - they just seem to "fall into" a career, based on chance opportunities usually. I know that happened to me. Just a few months before I graduated college (I was a chemistry major), I just happened to see a movie in which one of the characters was a therapist, and the part was written in a very positive manner (unlike how most people in my field are portrayed in film). I walked out of that movie theater knowing what I want to do. I opted for psychology because I didn't want 4 years of medical school. So I got a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and here I am, 40 years later.

What avenues did you cross on your path? How did it help you evolve into this Job Market guru?

I'm not sure I'd refer to myself as a "guru," but over 30 years ago I was hired by IIT to be the University's Counseling Center Director, which I did for 9 years. One of my responsibilities was career and job search counseling, and I've been doing it ever since - first at IIT, then in private practice, and now back in the fold on the staff of IIT's Center for Research & Service (a division of IIT's Institute of Psychology).

Your "Changing Career" advise shares that we must all consider strategy. What are some 'helpful planning' tips?

For career planning, there are many things to consider in making a decision. The most important thing is to gain a perspective on one's personal characteristics, motivation, values, goals, aptitudes and abilities, interest patterns, and knowledge of careers and the job market. Once you have a line on these factors, and then take a step back and see where the important criteria are in your individual situation, then you can make an informed career choice.

I know that's a little general, but there is no such thing as a standard human being, and everyone's situation is different.

What are some productive ways to narrow ideas and gather pertinent information to bring clarity to a successful job search?

I think that you have to get clarity about the kind of job title you are looking for, how you see your "role" (i.e., a helping role? a sales role? a managerial role? a technical role? etc.), not only what company but what industry (or industries) you are interested in and where they are going, your pattern of skills and knowledge, and similar factors.

Obviously you enjoy people and helping them overcome challenges, tell us about Illinois Institute of Technology, what you've contributed there, and how we can engage with you directly.

Thanks for the plug. I am the Practice Leader for Career and Educational Assessments Services for the IIT Center for Research & Service, which is a fee-for-service to the outside community. We do not actually work with IIT students (except for a few special projects). The services my unit provides include comprehensive career counseling and testing, job search coaching and
resume writing, achievement motivation counseling and evaluations. Our Center works with companies (surveys, special research, 360 evaluations, consultation, training, pre-employment testing, and related services).

My books are:

"The Psychology of Underachievement: Differential Diagnosis and Differential Treatment," by Drs. Harvey Mandel and Sander Marcus, 1988, Wiley & Sons, New York.

"Could Do Better: Why Children Underachieve And What To Do About It" (a book for parents of underachievers), by Drs. Harvey Mandel and Sander Marcus (with Loral Dean), 1995, Wiley & Sons, New York.

I have also written a 22-page pamphlet (71 Keys to Getting Better Grades Easier and In Less Time), which is published by our Center and is available for $8(including postage). This is appropriate for high school and college age students. I am also the Testing Supervisor for a project that the Center and the Clinical Psychology program have with the Chicago Public Schools(CPS).

We provide all of the admissions testing for children (ages pre-kindergarten through grade 3, and grades 6 and 7) applying to the CPS gifted programs. This our 4th year with this project, in which we test over 5,000 children within a 4-month period (from the beginning of November to the end of February). Put all of these activities together, and I'd say that I am busy. In addition, I am the President of the Rotary Club of Chicago Near South, writer, speaker, and an amateur violinist. I can be contacted at my IIT office 312-567-3358 in Chicago or by email marcus (at) iit (dot) edu.



Dr. Marcus (Sandy) THANKS!!!! (from the House ~ )


Steve Nash Wants You To Self Help Collective! 9-13-09

Steve M Nash is NOT the Steve Nash of National Basketball Association Player!

He is interesting, giving and funny, not that the other is not-I just don't KNOW him!

This Steve Nash is across the ocean from where I sit, yet another example of the greatness of the internet.

Our paths crossed because of THIS & THIS

I am grateful to Steve for sharing his time and himself to enlighten us ~

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

Steve, currently your residence is Yorkshire? Tell us about life there. What intrigues you, what are your projects?

Well I am Yorkshire born and bred so I consider Yorkshire, and in particular West Yorkshire, my home. I may move away in the next few years to live somewhere that I feel to be more stimulating, professionally speaking, but I know I will return, eventually, to the hills and dales of Yorkshire. I absolutely love the landscape here (just do a search for 'Last of the Summer Wine' - a TV program that was based near where I live - and you'll see what I mean) - I feel blessed to be able to walk where I can see such fantastic views.

What intrigues me? People intrigue me - why they do what they do, why they don't do what they say they'll do, and why I do exactly the same. People intrigue me, life intrigues me, and I intrigue me.

And so my current project is a self-help website called The Self Help Collective, whose aim is to facilitate the sharing of knowledge or wisdom for the benefit of all. I literally wanted to create a self-help resource where people could help themselves - understand their weaknesses, and strengths, and improve themselves accordingly - and also help others, by sharing what they *do know* about living a successful life.

And... so far, so good. :-)

Tell us about your first web site. What were some of the things you learned that helped your site become successful.

My first website was a website called Diary of a Volunteer, and it was about the two year period I spent working as a volunteer Computer Trainer in Malawi, Africa. I worked under the auspices of an organisation called Voluntary Service Overseas, which is a British organisation that is similar to US Peace Corps.

As for what I learned to make my site become successful: well I learned basic HTML skills; I learned how to write; and I learned how to share personal experiences in a personal way. I'm not sure that website is a 'success', particularly, but I am very proud of this site and it will stay online for as long as I am alive! :-)

What are some of the subjects you write about? What types of things do you typically enjoy covering?

Ah, my favourite topics on the Self Help Collective website have easily been the subject of happiness, and the subject of fear. Oh, I was so smiley when I was writing about being happy, and I was introspective (and concerned) when I was writing about fear.

This quote by Gerald G. Jampolsky kind of sums up both states of being, I think: "Teach only love for that is what you are"

Tell about your goals for "Self Help Collective".

That's easy. I want to get 10,000 unique visitors per day visiting the site. I want them to help themselves via the great self-help content, I want them to help others by contributing their thoughts or views on subjects they feel qualified to do so. The idea being that we all know more than we think.

Financially speaking, I'd like to earn a good living from this website, meaning I'd like to be earning at least £10,000 per month from the site. (I earn less than £100 per month at time of writing!) There are various ways to earn money that don't require charging for content. And I'm going to explore those in the next year or so.

And maybe I could use the website as a platform for my writing - who knows.

What inspired the "Steve's First Haircut" Campaign?

Well, I hadn't cut my hair for 5 years. Literally. Nor had I brushed it. And I have curly-ish hair. So can you imagine what sort of hair I had, after 5 years? Yes, I had dreadlocks and very long dreadlocks at that. (I've never had dreadlocks in my life and I was completely surprised when they appeared.)

So anyway, after 5 years my hair was pretty long - too long! - and I decided to get my hair cut, and I also decided to get my hair cut for charity. So I called it my first hair cut in 5 years to try and drum up some spsonsorship interest.

I raised about £500 in the end, which is around $700US. And I've still to post my after-haircut video, but I will. I got a bit traumatised by my actual haircut, as it happens, as I actually had my hair cut with a pair of garden shears (again, for dramatic effect that I hoped would boost charity earnings) and I did not enjoy the experience, if I'm being honest. :-(

Can you tell us about Steve? Who is Steve? I read somewhere you "wince" when you hear "football" being called "soccer"; tell us about that.

Hmm, well I've shared a little about who Steve is in this interview and on my Self Help Collective and Diary of a Volunteer websites. And I don't want to bore people too much lol. Simply put, Steve is a man who believes in himself, believes in others, and who does not think that gender or age or race need necessarily define who anyone is.

Do you think Americans are a tad whacky calling our "football" football, when clearly it is a running throwing game?

The truth is, there are many games called football - Aussie-rules football, Rugby football, and American football. They're all derived from the same game (more or less) of playing with a ball. So I'm less precious about it than I used to be. But I don't think I'll ever be using the Soccer-word myself for what I call football!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Well, I can't answer this question in full, I just can't. But I do see myself being in a place that I could never imagine being in only a few years ago. An example of that 'place' would be being in my own band. I've never, ever sung or played an instrument but I intend to play in my own band at my own 50th birthday party in May, 2015. And I'd like similar transformations to have taken place in other areas of my life, too, by that time.

Can the things you have uncovered about yourself benefit others? How so?

Always. I firmly believe that each of us has a lesson for everyone else on this planet and vice versa. I believe that my struggle in one area of my life is your struggle in an area of your life. I believe by leading by example and showing others that if I can do it so can you...

What are your goals for your articles? Your writings are very quirky and real. Your personality totally comes out and your quick humor as well.

Thanks, that's very kind of you. I just want to encourage people to be themselves. Everyone *is* unique, after all. And the world is a better place when people act from their own integrity, their own values, and their own quirkinesses. The world does not need any more sheep, really!

Discuss Site Build and what your vision is for your Site Build IT! sites.

Gulp, I've said so much already! Well, to put it very briefly, I see Site Build It! as providing the technology and the supportive environment to enable ordinary people who have a passion and who want to share that passion (in their own voice) to either earn an extra income or a full-time income, from their own website.

Site Build It! does not guarantee success but I truly see SiteSell's SBI! as a fantastic self-improvement tool that enables you to take positive action in your life!

On a typical day, what can we find Steve M. Nash doing?

Well, typically I'm usually writing. Either I'm writing a page for the Self Help Collective website, or I'm writing an article to promote the website, or I'm writing an email, or I'm writing an interview about myself (ahem!)

Otherwise I read - mainly self-help and inspirational books, but I also read novels.

So, finally, here are some of those websites I've mentioned above

And here are a few photographs that show me as my hair turned from curls into dreadlocks...


RUN ANNA RUN!! 9-3-09

UPDATE! On 10-10-10 Anna completed the Chicago Marathon YAY ANNA!!!

Today I would like you to welcome Anna Strazzante! Anna has been gracious enough to share her story - her battle with cancer - it is our hope that you will find strength to help. If you are dealing with your own battles, know that you can make it.

She is an inspiration and I thank her for her courage!!! All photos courtesy of Scott Strazzante ~ THANK YOU, Scott!!


Please tell us a bit about you before your life was changed.

Before my cancer, my life was like any other working mother of four - crazy.

My husband Scott and I had just moved into a new home in Yorkville, Illinois with our blended family of six. My two daughters Sophie and Caroline and Scott’s children Betsy and Cameron who were working their way through life in a new town, finding new friends and living full-time with new siblings.

I was working 4 days a week as a home health physical therapist and then taking care of the children after that while my husband worked an evening shift as a photographer for the Chicago Tribune.

Daily life was quite exhausting but slowly things seemed to be improving.

How did you see yourself and what was your vision for your life before your diagnosis.

I had always considered myself a very healthy, physically fit person. I ate well and exercised regularly. I worked very hard at my career and even harder at creating a stable and healthy home life for my children.

There is no history of cancer in my family so I never imagined that I would become a victim.

How were you diagnosed.

During early 2008, I had a series of urinary tract infections that despite treatment with a wide variety of antibiotics wouldn’t go away. Despite the presence of blood in my urine, my urologist was still convinced that it was still just an infection.

Later in 2008, after a week of visible blood in my urine I was encouraged by a girlfriend to demand a cystoscopy.  It was discovered that I had a tumor in my bladder.

After a biopsy, I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma, a very rare form of bladder cancer that makes up only 2% of bladder cancer cases. In addition, the rareness of a woman my age being stricken with this cancer only made my case that much more statistically improbable.

What was the impact.

I was devastated. At the time of my diagnosis, my husband Scott was in Beijing photographing the Summer Olympics. Luckily, my mother was visiting from Sweden at the time but not having my husband next to me lending his support made the news even harder to take.

At first, I was in shock and couldn’t bear to even read about the cancer. At my request, my mother started researching bladder cancer and its survivability.

After my husband returned from China, I started doing my own research. My urologist referred me to University of Chicago’s Dr. Gary Steinberg, an expert on bladder cancer. Steinberg’s advice was a radical cystectomy and the construction of a neo bladder made from my small intestine.

At the same time, a second opinion painted a rosier picture. This doctor said that I would only have to have a partial cystectomy.

After several difficult days of going back and forth, the knowledge that bladder cancer has one of the highest frequencies of recurrence led me to follow Dr. Steinberg’s advice.

My procedure was scheduled for September  10th.

Were there others in your life before you who had been challenged by disease? Did you know what to expect, and if so was that helpful in coping?

No one that I knew had ever had bladder cancer. Every day was a new experience and each day brought new challenges both physically and psychologically.

What were the reactions of those close to you?

My husband took on the role of cheerleader. He kept saying that everything would turn out all right. My children were very scared and didn’t want to talk too much about my cancer. Several of my friends stepped up big time and gave me a ton of support.

My mother was a rock. She stayed an extra month and took care of the daily responsibilities around the house.

In situations such as these, do you feel you must be strong for those who love you? What emotions were you feeling? Responsibilities?

My theory was that the most important thing that I could do for my family and friends was to concentrate all my effort on surviving. I was very scared and despite the healing of surgery’s physical scars, I still struggle daily with the incredible emotional scars that cancer has caused.

How did you choose what course to take with your diagnosis?

I chose what I thought gave me the best chance of long term survival. I wasn’t too concerned about the change in lifestyle that not having a bladder would have, I was just intent on living.

Were your treatments presented to you in a supporting manner?

Dr. Steinberg was very forthright in his explanation of what the surgery would entail and what my chances of living a long and healthy life would be.  It helped that I was 100% on board with his plan and the reasoning behind it.

What were you treatments? Surgeries? Were you informed on what to expect?

My cancer was so rare and with so few studies on it that there are no follow up treatments after the radical cystectomy and the reconstruction of the bladder. I have had to learn how to empty my bladder every three to four hours by using my stomach muscles and to change some of my daily habits.

How did you come to run?

Around the time of my diagnosis, my children started participating in a local running club. I used to be an avid runner but some nagging injuries dampened my enthusiasm for the activity.

I had always had a thought in the back of my mind about running a marathon but I lacked the needed motivation.

Now I have the motivation.    

Running with the goal of finishing the Chicago Marathon has helped me create a mental picture of myself completely healthy. When I am feeling down, I visualize myself completing the marathon and the great joy that will come with that accomplishment - and I feel better.

Tell us about the fundraiser?

After my surgery, I started being very active in the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN). I participate daily with BCAN’s online community of those who have had or are now confronting bladder cancer. I answer people’s questions, try to alleviate their fears and also lean on others for support as I continue my recovery.

When I decided to run the Chicago Marathon, I figured that it would be a great opportunity to increase awareness about bladder cancer and support BCAN.

What are your goals post-bladder cancer?

Of course, I want to remain cancer free and live a long productive life but I also want to help as many other people stricken with bladder cancer. I was very fortunate to have my cancer detected before it was too late so if I can at least make people realize that cancer can strike anyone at anytime, maybe they will get checked before it is too late.

You have specifically empowered a family member of mine, do you feel the love and appreciation the universe throws out as you give to others?

Definitely. So, many people have helped me and still are helping me through this ordeal that I feel that the least I can do is pay it forward. Helping others helps me feel a connection to the world. A feeling that we are one.


Let us all wish Anna the best.

Feel moved? Donate through the secure network just to your left, or directly at the site here : GIVE FORWARD

The Chicago Marathon is a few weeks away! Get involved. Anna helped my family member get through her bout and I am forever grateful.

Please do what you can to support this endeavor!


Meet Irina Wardas ~ The Natural Counselor 8-28-09

Irina, I absolutely love your bio. It is chock full of credentials and very important health education. Were you completely inspired simply by bettering your health?

Oh thank you Dwana.  I have been doing my best. As a matter of fact, I was inspired by my mother and thanks to her I am a second generation of Alternative Practitioners with a lot of insightful tips full of European wisdom, flavor and experience.

What types of maladies did you first begin to experience and how long did you endure before you sought to address and ultimately alter your self?

Well, I started studying and using natural remedies when my son was 4 years old helping him when he had fever, sore throat, stuffed nose, regular cold or cough.

As for me, after I turned 30, I struggled with failed diets and weight gain; I was overstressed and had hormonal imbalances with non-stop heavy bleeding before I hit menopause; and I had severe PMS issues at a much younger age than most. I gained much knowledge and insight from my unpleasant experiences and have since gained a new outlook on how to take care of myself. I share my experience with my clients, being an exclusive Holistic Health Counselor to support and guide them in getting rid of health concerns they may have, and help them become healthier and happier.

My positive and negative experiences in overcoming difficulties associated with multiple marriages, dating online and in person, being in an abusive relationship, raising my son by myself give me capability, knowledge and expertise to be the best life coach. By the way, my son is in NYC right now, and has a wonderful career in finances. As for me, I am in California with my wonderful and supportive husband and two rescued dogs I love very much.

The Institute of Integrative Nutrition is extremely influential. What was your focus there? 
Why did you feel compelled to certify your training in all of these practices? It is so very commendable. Would you recommend it, all or a few for those you list for seeking better overall nutrition expertise?

At the Institute of Integrative Nutrition I studied all the different dietary theories, from the ancient to the modern, through an integrative approach in a program designed for working professionals. It is very important to be certified in this country so I chose the best possible credentials.

Talk to us a bit about "failed diets", "overstress" and hormonal imbalances.

My mother always tried different food recipes to cleanse her body, so I started learning about detox properties of different foods and have realized that we don’t need to go to extremes to cleanse our body- we can do it with the right foods, herbs and spices.

At the same time, I was also learning about stress, foods and stress, foods that can calm you down or visa versa. So my focus became on detox and distress. Stress is number one cause of all illnesses. It is also one of the reasons we have hormonal imbalances and slow metabolism. The solution? We have to reduce stress and detox our body first if we want to be healthier. I have the same approach to weight loss, something a lot of coaches overlook. They help people lose weight, but it doesn’t work in the long run, because weight loss is about lifestyle, not the diets.

As for diets, we are all different, we are not the same age, so how can the same diet help everyone? And I hate the word diet. Diets don’t work because we are forced to eat something we don’t like for a certain period of time. Of course we stop doing what we don’t like. That is why I teach my clients to listen to their bodies, find the right food choices for them, so they can accept, like and be able to stick to them in the future when I am not around as their counselor.

What is the first change you made to your eating habits? Home life? Cleaning products?

I started drinking one extra glass of water a day, it was my first step. Then I started using soap without chemicals and artificial colors and fragrance, by the way, my mother’s influence. She explained to me 30 years ago that if the soap was not white and smelled good, it contained chemicals. As for cleaning products, I lived in Ukraine at the moment so it was completely natural for me to use vinegar and baking soda.

Is there a specific yoga you follow?

My mother was 80 and still was practicing yoga every day starting with Sun Salutation. I also try to do yoga every day, especially a shoulder stand –Sarvangasana to improve circulation and look fabulous. (I recommend this asana to all my clients if they want to fight wrinkles naturally) If  I don’t have time or not in the mood, I always do at least 10 Sun Salutations to keep my body flexible.

How can someone be enriched by your program?

In general, my holistic and wellness approach is focused on achieving whole-body health through nutrition, exercise, meditation and preventive care. As a Holistic Health and Nutrition Counselor, I help my clients find balance in every aspect of their life including health, relationship, spirituality, career, exercises and food.

As a certified holistic health counselor, I work with women who are under a lot of stress, especially relationship stress, and are experiencing weight gain, lack of energy, insomnia, mood swings. I help my clients get healthier and it means happier by changing their lifestyle and food preferences. We work in a step-by-step ~ very enjoyable way for long lasting results.

What do you see for those you help?

Better future and by that I mean better understanding of what is to be healthier and happier. I try to help people get rid of their concerns by changing their lifestyle without taking pills. We can be healthy and active and live longer, by it is up to us, it our choice only.

What has been the greatest challenge in changing your old habits? For me, I do not even miss the way I used to live, what do you think it takes to make the best adjustments?

Well, the greatest challenge for me was to resist temptations to try all unhealthy processed foods in the grocery stores when I moved to US 11 years ago. It took a lot of self-control and self discipline at the moment.

Was your family receptive? Children adapt well?

My son is 25 and he still eats oatmeal with raisins and walnuts for breakfast. His girlfriend has changed her eating habits (according to her mother). It is still a lot of improvement can be made but one step at a time is my motto. As for my husband, hmmmm. There are some changes after learning a lot from my website and blog. He drinks only organic milk, tries to read labels, doesn’t eat red meat…Well, I don’t force him, he changes his habit at his own pace, one bite at a time. And I work with women, not with men, anyway don’t I?

Tell us about NaturalCounselor.com. How did you begin, where would you like it to go and what do you see for yourself in 5 years?

NaturalCounselor.com is Holistic Health and Nutrition Services for women - everything they need to get healthier and happier as well as feel and look fabulous:

Holistic Health and Nutrition Programs for Women in person and over the phone: Five-Month Personalized Program for Women Balancing Act, Healthy Relationship – Healthy You,
Single Holistic Health and Nutrition Consultation with Follow Up
Holistic Health and Nutrition eCoaching for Women,
Business Coaching for Holistic Health Practitioners and Counselors/Coaches

As a certified holistic health counselor, I work with women who are under a lot of stress, especially relationship stress, and are experiencing weight gain, lack of energy, insomnia, mood swings. I help my clients get healthier and it means happier by changing their lifestyle and food preferences. We work in a step-by-step very enjoyable way for long lasting results.

“Detox – 101 _ Super Simple Detox, The Ultimate guide for Beginners″

“DeStress – 101- Survival Kit for Busy Women″ 

Resources with links to websites with information for women
Health Tools for Women including Body Mass Calculator, Body Fat Calculator, Food Calorie Counter, etc.

Holistic health and nutrition tips on detox /cleanse with whole foods, stress and relaxation techniques, weight loss, better sleep, high blood pressure, headaches and migraines, cancer prevention, food as medicine, beauty remedies and facials, healthy cooking with healthy recipes, benefits of whole foods, self-motivation and relationship / dating – you can find them on my website and on my NaturalCounselor Blog.

Books I Recommend - I have selected books that worth reading and might help women feel and look fabulous.

Podcast and Video
Radio Show “Feel and Look Fabulous with Irina” 

And in five years from now I plan to have a Retreat center for Women who want to feel and look fabulous.



How exciting Irina! You can also follow Irina on Twitter @IrinaWardas


Michelle Whitlock's Love Letter To You ~

My name is Michelle Whitlock and I am a cervical cancer survivor. Like most little girls, I dreamed of growing up, meeting prince charming, getting married and having children. But my life took an unwanted detour.

In Dec 2001, at 26 I was busy climbing the corporate ladder while completing my degree. I thought I had all the time in the world for those childhood dreams of marriage and motherhood. But I was wrong. My world came to a screeching halt with my diagnosis of cervical cancer. I was stunned!

Just a few weeks earlier I had gone in for my annual Pap, just like I had for the last ten years. But this time she performed the then new digene HPV test. The Pap came back normal but I tested positive for high risk HPV. My doctor called me in for biopsies, a leep procedure and conization. I didn’t understand the need for all these other procedures, because like most women, I believed a normal Pap Test meant everything was fine, that I was fine. But I wasn’t fine, I had Stage IB1 cancer. Thank God, my Doctor preformed the HPV test!

The doctor recommended a radical hysterectomy which would leave me infertile. I refused. I didn’t have children, I wasn’t married and I’d only been dating my boyfriend for 6 month. My dreams were unraveling fast.

Determined to fight, I researched my options, got a second opinion and asked my doctor all the tough and uncomfortable questions. I learned about a new fertility sparing procedure, called the radical trachelectomy. I chose that option!

But just two years later, in April 2004 only days after my boyfriend proposed, my worse fear became a reality—my cancer was back. My doctor immediate insisted I have a radical hysterectomy. I kept thinking not now, this is suppose to be my fairy tale ending. Desperate to preserve my fertility, I sought out a second opinion and did more research. My new doctor helped me find a reproductive endocrinologist. My doctor reluctantly agreed to give me eight weeks before my surgery. During that time I started fertility treatment, harvested my eggs and froze 7 embryos. One week later I flew to Jamaica and got married and ten days after that checked in Methodist Mid-Town Hospital and had my radical hysterectomy, partial vaginalectomy and lymph node dissection followed by weeks of chemo and radiation.

I found myself at twenty-nine with a whole host of new conditions courtesy of my cancer treatments: menopause, sexual dysfunction, and radiation damage to both my bowels and hips. I found myself faced with the reality that I would never be able to create life inside me. It was devastating both physically and emotionally. I spent my first few years married trying to piece back together my shattered life with the help of my loving husband.

Today, I am 41/2 years in remission and grateful to be here. My husband and I are trying to have a child with the help of a gestational carrier (surrogate). 8/4/09—We are 25 weeks pregnant finally!

Cervical cancer changed my life forever but No other woman needs to lose her life or fertility to this disease. Today, we have the tools for prevention and early detection. Please join me in spreading the word because together our voices are stronger than mine alone.


Meet Michelle Whitlock!

One of the many fabulous things about the Blogher Conference 2009 was meeting extraordinary people and hearing their remarkable stories.

One such story I encountered was that of Michelle Lee Whitlock.

Michelle, thank you for being a strong and dedicated advocate for women.

Thank you for your courage.

Thank you for telling us the truth and for making statements on our behalf.

Here's the House chat with Michelle.

Michelle, you have written a book "Reframing a Tragedy" cataloging the difficulties you have faced. As a young person, you faced challenges not typical of a young woman. Did you have time to dream about your future?

Dreams...what every young women should do. Our dreams push us, motivate us and shape our lives. However, there was a time I had to create an "insurance policy" for my dreams and then put them away while I focused on the present only. My insurance policy came in the shape of 7 frozen embryos tucked away for another day, while my present day was a battle for my life against a preventable disease--cervical cancer.

What were your wishes and goals before you had to face medical problems?

Before my cancer, I was very focused on my career, climbing the corporate ladder, the gym, and traveling. I thought I had all the time in the world for my childhood dreams of marriage and motherhood.

You had amazing strength and character prior to your bout with cervical cancer. Did this further your strength or deplete you?

Coming from a dysfunctional and financially challenged family, I learned very early to fight myself and never give up. My cancer just strengthen my believe that life is precious and so valuable. It reminded me to be conscience in all my choices, grateful and live each day as if it were going to be my last. I am strong, better, more alive, and appreciate the little things in life because of my walk with cancer.

Had you had prior knowledge of reproductive challenges that could overhaul and change our lives?

I had been diagnosed with Endometriosis at 20, but I never saw it as a reproductive challenge as I did painful periods. I believed a normal pap meant I was okay, that everything was fine, as do many women. But it does not and I soon learned I was not okay.

Were you an advocate for other issues before Pearl of Wisdom?

I have been an advocate, educating women about cervical cancer and HPV since Spring of 2005. So when the Pearl of Wisdom campaign kicked-off here in the U.S. in Jan 09, it was a natural progression for me to get involved. This campaign is a grassroots effort, girlfriend to girlfriend, mother to daughter, daughter to mother, woman to woman. It is about preventing cervical cancer through HPV awareness. No other woman needs to lose her fertility or die from this preventable disease. However, cervical cancer is still the second most common cancer in women worldwide. Help us stop this disease.

Your book details your supportive relationships, can you tell us a bit more?

I believe the most important member in your family is your spouse. They are the only member you actually get to pick. I am blessed to have chosen well. My husband has been better than any medicine available. He walked side by side with me during my battle and when I was too tired, he carried me. And when the battle was over he gave me the support I needed to rediscover myself and my sexuality after all my treatment. My friends lined up to hold my hand, chat with me and kick me in the pants when I felt sorry for myself too long.

How were the other women in your immediate circle impacted by your cancer?

It made them stand up and take notice. This cancer could have happened to any one of them. We held hands and learned together. Many of them have had abnormal paps and suffered from cervical disease themselves. In fact, about 1/2 million women in the U.S. are diagnosed with some cervical disease annually, which often result in painful procedures including biopsiesLEEPsconization and more.

Tell us about your research. Where did it lead you? What did you find out about yourself?

I realized that doctors are not GOD; they are highly skilled and trained humans. They are a great resources, partners, and tools in the battle to stay healthy. But every woman, including me, needs to be her own advocate, ask the tough questions, challenge her doctors, seek additional opinions and always express her emotions and dreams. Our diseases are just a part of us, they do not make the whole person. For me, researching, asking questions and challenging doctors lead me to the oncologist that saw not only my disease but a young twenty-something woman desperate to save her fertility. I learned that even when we feel out of control or like a victim we can make choices to regain our balance and still achieve our dreams.

What do you envision for Pearl of Wisdom?

I dream women every where will stand up, take notice of the campaign, learn the facts and share a pearl of wisdom with the woman in her life...This is a PREVENTABLE disease...Almost every case of cervical cancer can be prevented through programs using the Pap test, the HPV test, and the HPV vaccine. But many women around the world don’t know about or have access to these tools. As a result, 500,000 women develop cervical cancer and almost 300,000 die of cervical cancer – every year.

The Pearl of Wisdom Campaign to Prevent Cervical Cancer is a united, global effort to raise awareness of the opportunities now available to prevent cervical cancer. Our campaign reaches women, health care providers, policymakers, health advocates, and the media.

We recognize that by working together, we can more effectively:

Raise awareness of the tools available for preventing cervical cancer

Encourage women to take full advantage of these tools

Advocate for the implementation of these tools for girls and women everywhere

Join us, starting now, as we work together to prevent this unnecessary disease
and death

What is your hope for womenhood and the ravages of female cancers?

I hope women everywhere will learn to protect themselves, see their doctors annually, speak up and advocate for their own health care and know today with the advancements in science, there are many ways to "save" our fertility. I hope all doctors will remember we are people with hopes and dreams...we are more than our diseases...help us treat the whole person.

What is your assessment of the focus, or lack thereof within the medical system, preventative care, awareness and testing for women?

We have to come together, in a united front as politicians, lawmakers, health care workers, educators, women, citizens and humans to create access for ALL women. No one should die from a preventable disease.

Is there a dawn from the "Tragedy" you reframed? Tell us about where you go from here.

My dawn is present in the eyes of another woman who has just learned how to protect herself from this disease. It is in the voice of another survivor, who has discovered the power of telling her story, it is in the hands of every health care provider that utilizes the tools available to protect their patients and it is in the knowledge that cancer may have stolen my ability to carry a child but it did not stop me from creating my own biological child. When my surrogate gives birth in November 2009, and I place my baby girl in my arms, and in her see all the love between my husband and I, it will be my dawn.


Beautiful ~ Thank you again.

Check out Tamika and Friends for more support.


Leave a comment about your cervical experience. Good & Bad. Say "Pearl" and I will contact you to send you your very own "Pearl Of Wisdom" compliments of our House guest Michelle!


A Conversation with the musing Brad Bechler ~ 7-29-09

The Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina is one month away.

Now is the time to encourage thoughtful conversation.

Mayoral candidates are taking aim in New Orleans, and the entire Gulf Coast is still attempting to recover,maneuver,and bring forth change.

In the upcoming months,please challenge those who might care to begin a discussion about the remnants of Katrina's impact, how it continues to affect the United States and how we can contribute.

I have added a hashtag on Twitter #Dont4getTheGulf for real-time exchanges concerning what you plan to do, sharing with others as the anniversary nears and to get an idea of what The Gulf's needs still are.

Here is our interview with Author and Poet Brad Bechler.

I am so honored that he shared this time with us.

Brad, to me this was a book of songs that sang and wore my soul to the core.

Some songs were high, some were low, some were wet, dry and some made me cry.

When you were writing words to "When Will The Sky Fall?" were you representing your feelings toward the beast that is Katrina, the beast that was our government, or both.

Initially, the book was a response to the isolation, shock, seemingly loneliness, and anger. Much of my emotions were rapidly evolving as new information was processed through time, word of mouth, and eventually, the airwaves when we received electricity. As with many people, the initial response is to be angry at the Storm, itself, or that which manifests itself in the physical realm. However, the rational side of me paused for a moment, and took on a broader scope, teaming with deliberate, objective thoughts. I, soon realized that the battle was not with an “Act of God”, but a salient one to some, but overt one to me…..hatred, ignorance, inequality, led by our Government. Bear in mind that the government consists of People who, historically have ruled our country since its inception. Drilling down a bit, it is the practice of a dominant class who, in Katrina’s wake, revealed just how divided we are along Race & Class in America.

Do you think Katrina "washed" clean and exposed what the United States was trying to hide and exposed deep seated hate for those less fortunate who ultimately were unable to get out of New Orleans, or chose to stay?

Indeed, it did. I think this was the paradox of the century. Historically, when epic events disturbed our Nation like, Pearl Harbor, The Oklahoma Bombings, 911, and man Natural Disasters, we rallied together as we did during the early days of our country when the founding fathers created this seemingly, “Perfect Union” of the People, For the People, and By the People. No matter what the challenge, we bonded together for a common cause, enlisting our values and hearts to drive us towards solidarity. However, Hurricane Katrina was vastly different in that it inadvertently revealed the Social Divisions that lay dormant, just underneath the surface. As a result of the optics of the handling of the storm, it revealed deeply seated racism, and festering ill will towards human beings. Human suffering took a backseat, if you will. It was the “Perfect Storm” in many ways. This type of event was theorized to occur many years ago. Scientists and experts in the field of Tropical Weather warned officials many times over that a storm of the caliber of Katrina would be catastrophic. Of course, these warnings fell on deaf ears. Geographically, classes of individuals in lower strata, economically and socially, settled on lower elevations, while citizens in higher strata enjoyed the comfort and safety on higher ground. Deliberate or Convenient?

In your heart do you feel our beloved New Orleans was a vicitm of unfortunate circumstance or was the city left to drown?

I do not believe anything is absolute. Making a presumption on the latter would be bordering on Anger and irrational thought. I believe it is a combination of factors, history, and conditioning. We cannot rule out race as a factor in the Government’s lack of response. Nor can we rule out race being a factor in the media’s rendering of the event. Objectively, not many prudent people saw this coming. Historically, many near misses have compelled many to just bed down and weather the storm as opposed to bearing the stress of evacuating with the “threat” of every storm. In other words, Yes and Yes.

Had it not been for those who came to help, what do you think NOLA's fate would have been?

Hard to say. It could have taken on many forms: A totally redefined city bustling with commerce, streams of revenue/economic opportunities, and radically different demographics. It could have also been a city with a much higher death toll, and more widespread property damage. Or, it could have become a city of Angels.

What were you feeling when you penned "Joyful Refuge"
“Joyful Refuge”.

Here, I am taking you on a reflective/nostalgic journey of the city, its history, people, food, music, and the idiosyncrasies that defined life in the city. In the wake of Katrina, much of what was left was the trash and debris strewn about, once someone’s treasure. The trash told a story, and if you were lucky, it forced a smile.   

I love "Dinner with Mr. Crow". You say "'Why am I whispering? You ask. Well, sir, the city sleeps now,'" When I went to NOLA in 2007, that is exactly how I felt, as if she was sleeping , like "shhhh". I was jolted hearing salsa ringing out on Bourbon Street and there was an uneasiness that remained in Jackson Square, has some of the old flavor returned?

Like life, homeostasis is the natural order of things when things get out of whack. When we fall out of balance, there is an innate tendency to repair damage or bring about calm. Life after Katrina is no different. Sadly, what defined the great city was not just the music, but the creators of the music that we cut a rug to. In many clubs and venues around the city, there are attempts to bring back the easy spirit of the past. But, the past cannot be recreated or destroyed. It only moves around and masks as something different.

"Porch". In its last verse reads "Father's on the porch turned breasts of chicken, with yams, ribs, and pineapple, searing with juice and clover." Can down home still be found?

Of course it can. The beauty of “Down Home Living” is that it is mobile. It goes with the spirit that carries it. It begins and ends in the heart. There, nothing can tear it apart.

Tell us about "Voodoo Goeth"?

As you know, the city of New Orleans has a long history of Voodoo practices, most of what was fictionalized on television, literature, and folklore. It was what tourists the world over marveled about when they descended on the city in big numbers. It was what made the city famous, among many things. As the people, the salt of the earth fled, the soul and spirit of things like Voodoo went along with them. This poem is my dedication to the spirit of what defined the city. When you juxtapose the history and current conditions along side each other, there is an ominous difference.

"Attic" is most powerful. There were many stories related about last breaths in the attic, what was your story?

This poem is one of my favorites in that it revealed just how compassionate many who perished were about their home, their great city. Because many were devout on not fleeing their precious homes for whatever reason, many perished in their homes as they escaped the rising waters. As I traveled along the Gulf Coast surveying the damage, and talking to Survivors, many of these stories of loss were told. If you can imagine water rising so rapidly that your only recourse was to climb into the attic as a last effort to escape. When those efforts failed, and attempts failed at clawing their way through the roof, the attic became their final resting place. This poem spoke to the will and strength of those who perished, at the institution of running. For many, they have ran all their lives from the earliest days of involuntary servitude. Some escaped to freedom, while many paid a heavy price. Attic, is the end of the road for running to many who lost their lives. It was symbolic of facing the storm, this time, a natural one.

What are your 2009 Anniversary of Katrina plans?

To be the voice of tribute to those who Survived and those who lost their lives. I am spreading the message of remembrance of this great moment in our history that I fear is being forgotten. By talking about what this storm did to and for America, it fosters a discussion on healing and restoration. I am using venues like this, radio, television, print media, and social media to galvanize the nation to making a positive change on how we deal with diversity. My prayer is that we get a little closer to being “One Nation Under God”. I am also involving myself in many non-profits/fund-raising efforts for awareness and nation building. At the end of the day, I am trying to get people to dig a little deeper to overcome things in their lives that is holding them back from greatness, balance, and inner peace.

What are your hopes as the mayoral campaigning revs up?

That the office of the Mayor, whether it is the current Mayor or an incoming Administration, gives more to the welfare of people than to processes. And, that the people can rely on sound leadership that supports them, competently, in times of disaster.

Do you have a vision for New Orleans? What are your wants from the candidates?

My vision of New Orleans is one in which fresh, new talent can come into the city and bring along with them, innovation, bi-partisan politics, and transparency. If we have great leadership, the culture can build itself around the ideals of change. A People’s committee/consortium should be formed to address the growing demands of change. In this way, the leadership can have more open communication with people so that their prescription for change impacts the greater good and is timely and appropriate.

My favorite is "Next", do you recall how you gave birth to it?

It was my attempt to share with readers that life is not static, and is merely defined by the event that garners the most shock value or attention. Because we are in an age in which we are forced to process information at a more rapid pace, we tend to forget events in recent history when another comes along. It is my attempt to not have America become complacent, as there is always another catastrophe looming.

Will you ever move home? Can you tell us what you are working on?

I will never move home again. What defined me was the road I took and the circumstances along the way that got me there. Because most of that is gone, home for me is in the heart and wherever I lay my hat. The memories will always be there, but the history cannot be found there, if pieces are missing.

In addition to my current world-wind of promoting this book, I working on my next work, a dramatic piece of fiction, similar to the work by Nicolas Sparks. Remember, I am a novelist first, a poet second.


Brad this has really been a heartfelt and wonderful conversation about a city we both love.

For more with Brad Bechler OR to purchase "WHEN WILL THE SKY FALL"
