Latrice, we have never met in person but I feel like you are family. Your spirit just
exudes warmth, love and grace and I am so grateful to have met you!
Thank you so much for saying that. I really think
that we’ve been put together for a reason. I thank
GOD everyday for placing me with people like you. GOD
When you cook, do you cook with the same spirit of love and fervour?
I really do! I love seeing the enjoyment in people’s
faces when they’ve tasted my food. They’re
expressions show their love for the food I’ve spent so
much of my time and love into making. I get more of
my own enjoyment from watching reactions then I do
creating tasty vittles.
What are your passions?
_ GOD!
_ Self-Love (Becoming the person I’m suppose to be!)
_ Family
_ Present & Future Legacy
_ Being a Positive Community Figure
We met on the WomenforHire network, which has been such a great networking tool, had
you begun your entrepreneurial quest or were you motivated to accomplish things frommeeting the women there?
The Women For Hire Network has been an exceptional
networking tool for everyone that has been privileged
to find it. My mother is so big on networking and
after seeing a segment on GMA about WFH I immediately
logged on to the site and signed up. Although I had
already started developing my businesses before
joining WHF, it has definitely helped grow, and several
opportunities have evolved from being apart of that
online community.
What are your aspirations?
_ Obeying GOD
_ Continue to love and respect myself!
_ Elevate my family to our highest potential, and
continue to build our legacy!
_ Inspire the uninspired!
Tell us a bit about your businesses.
Fowlerville Publishing – A digital publishing
powerhouse. (Launching and excepting new clients
1. Raising Chefs…not just good cooks! (eCookbook)
2. ModelGirlUSA eMagazine (My daughter’s modeling
magazine, for girl about girl ages 6 – 14)
3. Blackpreneurs Social Network/eMagazine
4. Dirty South Locals eMagazine (Hip Hop Culture)
5. Macaiah eMagazine (Premier Client)
_ Going Pro @ Home Productions
1. Raising Chefs DVD Video
2. Food Photography & Food Styling (Print/Web)
3. Southern Artist Promotional Videos
_ Other Non-Business (Self Promotion)
1. Weekly Column – Un World Radio Show Magazine
(Latrice’s Tasty Treat Thursday)
2. DoubleDutch Magazine Recipe Submission DEC & FEB
3. Girlz In Transition Recipe Submission
4. Radio, Print, Online Interviews & Features
Other things are also in the works, so stay tuned, because
there are more wonderful and exciting things up our
How do you see your pursuits positively affecting your children? They are so involved,
what a great education.
I wanted them to be surrounded by someone who was
positive and making dreams become a reality. They
have absorbed everything they’ve seen me do and have
come up with goals of their own. They’ve executed
those dreams and goals and are now seeing them come
full circle. They believe that if you work hard at
something you love and understand that things will get
hard along the way. Sticking with it will expose
sacrifice and dedication. They are the most awesome
kiddos I’ve every met and I thank GOD everyday for
trusting that I would be a great fit as their mother!
What are some of your short-term goals for the civil rights work you do?
_ To continue to be able to mobilize our resources. Be
in a position to help were there’s a need. Create
awareness on issues within our communities.
What are the long-term goals?
Basically the same as the short-term goal. Raising awareness is an ongoing focus!
Latrice, Have a wonderful holiday! Thank you SO, SO much! We will check in with you soon! Kiss the kiddies and all the best to your family!
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